Blue Vase with Flowers, Oils


Vase of Sunflowers, Acrylic, Sold


River Orwell, Oils


Coastal Storm, Oils, Sold


Angella Horner

Angella Horner is a professional artist living and working in the UK. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts.

Her paintings are impressionist and semi abstract. Flowers, trees, landscapes and the sea are favourite subjects.

Angella, as Director, formed the CO3 Gallery and Studios limited company in Colchester in 2013. She has taught art and painted for twenty years.

Angella, as chair, also formed the Dedham Art Society in January 2018.

In addition to her artwork under her own name Angella Horner, Angella also paints under the pseudonmym, Francesca Ucci.