Into the Wind, Oil on linen, 100 x 80 cm


Man with Boots, Oil on panel, 82 x 58 cm


Out of the Trees, Oil on linen, 100 x 80 cm


Draft Horses in the Spring, Oil on canvas, 100 x 90 cm


Ann Buss

My first love as an artist was watercolours and then I moved into oil painting in my forties. You can see remnants of the watercolour technique in the thin translucent washes I use as a base for heavier paint. Recently I’ve done more with textured surfaces and creating texture by scratching into the paint. I think you could say that my work falls into a space between the real and the imagined, and is both subtle and hyperbolic, objective and subjective in the way I handle the subject at hand. I enjoy those kinds of contrasts. I think I am also concerned with the animating character of the subjects, although I rarely do portraiture per se. My technique also juxtaposes crude, vigorous mark-making with gestures that are more lyrical. I try to communicate with an economy of information and I usually use strong color.