Inlet, Etched Lino Print, 22 x 22 cm


High Summer, Lino Print, 25 x 30 cm


Springtime, MDF Woodblock, 13 x 14 cm


Sabbaday Falls 2, Lino Print, 35 x 19 cm


Bryan Whiteley

Bryan Whiteley, Suffolk born and a student of Ipswich and Camberwell Schools of Art, studied Fine Art painting and printmaking and taught for many years in secondary education. He acquired his own Albion Press in 2009 and began to explore anew the techniques of lino printing, collagraphs and the use of both plywood and MDF board. He is particularly drawn to landscape and the expression of the forces of nature through light, colour and texture. He loves the art of engraving, the chance effects and the whole mechanical process. This is offset by an exploration of the more expressive characteristics of scratched and cut MDF board and the more recent development of using caustic soda to etch the surface of the lino block.

He is a member of Gainsborough’s House Print Workshop, The Ipswich Art Society and Twelve Printmakers. He is currently Chairman of Colchester Art Society.